I barely survive on a Department of Veterans Affairs Non-Service-Connected Pension and Social Security that equals $1,400 a month. I need to move out west to the eastern mountain area of Colorado and New Mexico. The dry air is a must. I desire a place where: I ride an electric powered disability scooter or chair to a freshwater swimming and fishing hole; I see wildlife a lot but not in a park; wholesome local eateries are aplenty; a 4th of July Parade is only a couple of hours away at the most; locations where mature attractive women socialize.
I am asking for donations - via the donate button on the top right - only from those of you who can afford to. Donations not just for this incredible historic document & tribute site to the Francis Scott Key Bridge, also for what is on my 13,000 custom crafted images on Flickr and YouTube accounts, plus work I need to get done on my 60,000-file mass of stock photography not yet edited and published.
Thank you,
Photography and Writings by David Robert Crews {a.k.a. ursusdave}
Simply web search "ursusdave" to find my World Wide Web works.
ursusdave's collections on Flickr
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